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RIC receiver-in-canal-hearing is light and discret sitting behind your ear

Receiver-In-The-Ear (RITE) hearing aids

Comfortable, discreet and powerful—you'll feel ready to take on anything with your tailor-made, RITE hearing aids. Want to learn more?
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Receiver-ln-The-Ear (RITE) Hearing Aids

Streamlined Sound with External Receiver

Receiver-ln-The-Ear (RITE) hearing aids are very similar to RIC hearing aids. They also have the main unit housing the microphone, battery and sound processor. The main unit transmits the sound via a wire connecting the main unit to the dome.
Hearing aid types RITE-min
The dome also contains the receiver, or speaker, which sends the sound into your ear canal. However, the main difference is that the receiver for RITE hearing aids sits just outside your ear canal and on the concha. The concha is the bowl of the ear next to, but not inside the ear canal.
There are no dramatic differences between RITE and RIC hearing aids in terms of size, appearance, or functionality, but there are good reasons why one or the other may be more suited to your needs. With the receiver just outside your ear canal, it is less prone to moisture damage and earwax blockage. It may also be better suited to people prone to ear infections.


  • Less susceptible to feedback from the hearing aids
  • Less prone to moisture damage, earwax blockage, and less likely to cause pain from chronic ear infections than RIC models
  • Smaller and more discreet main unit than BTE hearing aid models
  • Has a more open fit, which provides a more natural sound quality of the wearer's own voice
  • Still a bigger size for larger batteries, and longer battery life
  • Common to have rechargeable battery models
  • Still typically more powerful sound amplification and advanced technology and features 
  • The receiver can be replaced separately from the main unit


  • More visible and less discreet than other, smaller hearing aid types
  • May pick up more wind noise than other styles
  • May not be suitable for people who wear eyeglasses
  • Smaller units can be more difficult for people with dexterity issues to use, especially mini-RITE model
  • Still more prone to damage from moisture and blockage from earwax than BTE models
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