How we can help
Widex Cros hearing aids will help you hear from both ears if you are deaf or has severe hearing loss on one ear

Hearing whole picture

Goodbye, one-sided world. With CROS hearing aids, you can experience all the sounds around you, not just those from your "good side." Learn how this hearing aid technology can help bring balance back to your hearing health.
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CROS Hearing Aids

CROS hearing aids: double-sided sound

On top of the six main types of hearing aids, there is one other type that has a different functionality. They are called CROS hearing aids, which stands for “Contralateral Routing of Signal”. They are meant for people who have severe hearing loss, including deafness, in only one ear, but whose other ear does not have hearing loss.
hearing aids
CROS hearing aids help you with directional hearing after you lose hearing in one ear. Two ears without hearing loss can pick up sounds from either side of you. That helps you pinpoint the direction that a sound is coming from. It also helps you hear better in a full 360-degree radius around you. When you lose hearing in one ear, you are less able to orient a sound or hear as clearly.
You wear a CROS hearing aid in the ear that is deaf, and it connects to a hearing aid in your other ear. It picks up sound from that side of your body, and routes it using a wireless signal to the other hearing aid. This helps you still hear in more of a 360-degree radius, but also processes it in a way to help you determine the direction.

The reason why CROS hearing aids are treated separately from the six main types is that they can come in both BTE and ITE hearing aid types. This means you can pick a CROS hearing aid in the style and functionality that suits your needs the most.

BiCROS Hearing Aids

People who have severe hearing loss, or deafness, in one ear and minor hearing loss in the other can use BiCROS hearing aids. 
  • Sound synchronization

    As with CROS hearing aids, the microphone in your ear with profound hearing loss picks up sound and sends it to the hearing aid in the other ear
  • Multiple styles

    You can get them in both BTE and ITE hearing aid styles. 
  • Amplifies sound seperately

    Since your other ear also has hearing loss, it has its own microphone and sound processor in order to amplify sound from the side of your other ear.
Granma showing young girl tablet hearing aids
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Which Type of Hearing Aid is Right For You?

Choosing hearing aids involves considering various factors, including your level of hearing loss, ear size and shape, budget, preferred features, and stylistic preferences.

Your ideal choice may not align with your initial preferences, as factors like profound hearing loss or small ear canals may limit certain options.

Consulting with a hearing care expert during a clinic visit, where a full hearing test and consultation are conducted, will help you identify suitable types based on your needs and preferences. From there, you can explore different brands and models to find the right fit within your budget with the desired features.

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Hearing aid types

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ITE in-the-ear hearing aid sitting snugly inside your ear

In-the-ear device, out-of-this-world experience

Comfortable, discreet and powerful—you'll feel ready to take on anything with your tailor-made, ITE hearing aids. Want to learn more?
Find out how much hearing aids can help you

Hearing aid buying guide

If you have never purchased hearing aids before, there are some important steps you should know. Learn what you need to know when buying hearing aids in Canada in our Complete Hearing Aid Buying Guide.

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