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Tinnitus treatments and remedies

Tinnitus is a hearing disorder that may not seem like a major health issue, but it does have an impact on your life. Hearing the constant ringing in your ears can lead to things like fatigue, depression and anxiety. It can also cause issues with your sleep quality, concentration and memory.
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Is There a Cure for Tinnitus?

There is no cure for tinnitus. If your tinnitus is caused by issues related to hearing loss or damage to your ears and hearing, it may be permanent. In this case there is no way to cure or completely get rid of the sounds you hear.

However, if your tinnitus is caused by another underlying health issue, it may go away completely if that issue is treated. This will only be true if the underlying issue itself can be cured. If it becomes a chronic issue, or if it causes permanent damage to your hearing, then the tinnitus may also be permanent.

If you have permanent tinnitus, there are treatment options that are meant to manage the condition and reduce the symptoms. That way you won't hear the noise as loudly or as frequently as you would otherwise.

Whether you have temporary or permanent tinnitus, there are four ways you can improve your symptoms: medical treatments, counselling services, special products, and lifestyle changes.

Tinnitus Treatments

Medical treatments for tinnitus

The first way to manage tinnitus is seeking medical treatment. This is mostly for people whose tinnitus is caused by an underlying issue with their health.
The woman is happily relying on the sofa and enjoying the sound.
How to remove earwax

Earwax removal

Occasionally, when you have excess earwax that becomes impacted, it can cause tinnitus. Having your ears cleaned and the earwax removed by a hearing healthcare professional may cause the tinnitus to completely go away.

The procedure is quick, simple and painless. A softening agent is gently sprayed into your ears to break up the wax. Then a special instrument can be used to safely pull larger portions of wax out of your ears without causing damage to your ear canal or inner ear. The rest will naturally fall out or be removed by your own body.

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Do you need medications?


If your underlying condition is a disease or disorder, you can often get special medication to treat it. There are specific medications for chronic issues like Meniere's disease, a blood vessel disorder, or autoimmune disease. This will in turn help manage your tinnitus.

In some cases, your tinnitus may be caused by a medication you already take for an unrelated health issue. You may be able to switch medications to something else that still helps you, but doesn't cause tinnitus symptoms.

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The old lady is seeing the audiologist with her daughter.

Act promptly on Tinnitus symptoms

Schedule an appointment with a Hearing Healthcare Professional for timely treatment, especially if accompanied by dizziness or vertigo, which may indicate a more serious underlying health concern.
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Counselling Services

Special counselling services

Whether your tinnitus is permanent or temporary, you can get special counselling services to help. These services do not directly address the physical issues that may be causing the tinnitus. Instead, they help you deal with the mental side of tinnitus so you do not feel as stressed, anxious, depressed, or fatigued by it.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, or TRT for short, teaches you special rehabilitation techniques. The goal is to change how you perceive the tinnitus sounds so it isn't as noticeable. The end result is that you can focus better on what you want to, instead of the tinnitus. It can help with all kinds of tinnitus.

TRT is a specialized form of therapy that blends hearing health and psychological education and training. Not every doctor, therapist or hearing health care specialist is qualified to provide it as a service.

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Counselling and support groups

There are other forms of counselling that can help people with tinnitus manage the mental side of the condition. It is common for people with tinnitus to have it affect their mental health.

There are special support groups you can join meant for people who have tinnitus. It can help provide you comfort that you are not alone, and that many others go through what you are experiencing. They can share their own tips, tricks and coping mechanisms.

You can also use specialized counselling to help treat more serious mental health issues you deal with. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) does not treat tinnitus itself, but it does help with your mental reaction to it. It can help improve your general mental health so you do not feel as stressed or anxious as a result of your tinnitus.

Tinnitus management tools

Products and devices to manage tinnitus

The third way to manage your tinnitus symptoms is to use special devices. These are specially made to help people with tinnitus in small but useful ways. They either help mask and diminish the sound you hear, or provide counseling services digitally.
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Hearing aids

Hearing aids for Tinnitus

Hearing aids effectively alleviate tinnitus related to hearing loss by enhancing external noise and improving speech clarity. They provide relief by 'masking' tinnitus sounds with real noise, redirecting focus for those with hearing loss.
Masking device
External devices

Tinnitus masking devices and white noise machines

Meet tinnitus maskers or white noise machines, designed to provide constant background sound, diverting attention from the ringing associated with tinnitus. Think of them as turning on bright lights in a dark room, shifting focus away from the intrusive noise.
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Smartphone applications

Tinnitus therapy apps

Explore tinnitus-friendly smartphone apps, including white noise, therapy, and meditation options. Whether for general background noise or tailored support, these apps offer relief. Specialized choices, like CBT or mindfulness, and hearing aid-related therapy apps, such as Widex Zen, provide personalized solutions.
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Treatment and management of Tinnitus

There are a few treatment options and lifestyle changes you can make to better manage your tinnitus symptoms. Some are medical procedures that can treat an underlying health issue that causes tinnitus. Others are counselling or therapy-based to help you learn how to mentally manage your condition. You can also purchase specially made products that support your ability to not focus on the noise of your tinnitus so it doesn't bother you as much.

If you don't know what would work best for you, you can always seek a professional consultation from a doctor or hearing health care professional. They can help determine the cause of your tinnitus, and recommend the best treatment plan to best manage your symptoms.

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Tinnitus causes & risk factors

Tinnitus is not always a permanent issue, and treating the underlying causes can remove or at least reduce the symptoms. That’s why it is important to understand the common causes of tinnitus.
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Tinnitus symptoms

The important thing is seeking help as soon as you notice the symptoms. The earlier you can have an underlying cause treated, the less likely it will wind up a permanent issue.
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Types of tinnitus

If you think you have tinnitus, it is important to know what the type is. There are a few different kinds relating to the underlying cause, which affects how it can be treated. Read on to see our full guide on the different types of tinnitus.

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