Before you buy a car, you can take it for a test drive. Before you buy any clothing, you can try them on. Why should something as important as hearing aids be different?
That's why at HearCANADA we offer you the ability to try our newest hearing aids for one week for free. You get to test new and innovative hearing aid technology first-hand before deciding to make your purchase. There is no cost or down payment to participate, and there is no obligation to buy them after the week is over. That way, if you don't like them, it won't have cost you anything.
One week is sometimes not long enough for you to be fully convinced that hearing aids will help you. When you purchase hearing aids from us, we want to be flexible to make sure you are not stuck with an expensive purchase that you wind up not liking.
That's why all our hearing aids come with a 60-Day Risk Free Money Back Guarantee. You have 60 days from the date of purchase to return your hearing aids and get your money back. The only costs that are non-refundable are custom earmold and impression fees.
If you aren't sure about what hearing aids, features or style you want then why not try before you buy? If you have had hearing aids before it's a great way to test new features and newer technologies that may not have existed before.
Between the one week period where you can try hearing aids with no cost or obligations, and the 60 Day Guarantee, you will be able to get as much time and opportunity to try hearing aids and see if they are for you. If you are interested in getting started or want to ask some questions, you can request your first appointment.